Engineer position in Molecular Biology and Genetics – Schnorrer lab

An ERC grant funded engineer position in molecular biology and genetics is available from June 2020 in the group of Frank Schnorrer at the IBDM in Marseille. The appointment will initially be for one year, with possible extension for up to four years.
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate, ideally with experience in molecular biology, fly genetics or microscopy. The candidate will work together with PhD students and PostDocs to generate and characterise novel fly strains by transgenesis or CRISPR-mediated genome engineering and determine protein localisations using novel labelling technologies and high-resolution microscopy.
Our group is located at the Institute of Developmental Biology of Marseille (IBDM), an interdisciplinary research center with a strong focus on quantitative in vivo biology, microscopy and biophysics (http://www.ibdm.univ-mrs.fr). Our group is specifically interested in how the contractile elements of muscles called sarcomeres are built during development and how they are maintained during life of the fly.
See here for more information: http://muscledynamics.org
Please send your application, including a motivation letter, your CV and contact information for one or two references to:
Past offers below.
But we are always looking for motivated and curious people to join our team!
postdoc position in the Schnorrer lab

You are curiosity-driven, fascinated by dynamic processes;
You are experienced in live imaging (FRAP, FLIM, laser-cutting);
You enjoy independent scientific planning;
We are located at Institute of Developmental Biology of Marseille (IBDM), an interdisciplinary research center with a strong focus on quantitative in vivo biology and biophysics;
We study the morphogenesis of muscle with a particular interest in the contractile apparatus, sarcomeres and myofibrils;
We combine systematic fly genetics with in vivo imaging;
This project aims to understand the dynamics of sarcomere assembly during muscle development;
We know that early sarcomeres are irregular structures that mature within 2 days to pseudo-crystalline molecular machines;
We have generated a collection of endogenously tagged sarcomeric proteins, whose differential recruitment and turn-over should inform us about the assembly dynamics of these machines;
Please send your application, including a motivation letter, your CV, a description of research interests, and contact information for two references to:

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