Christophe Pitaval


email: christophe.pitaval [at]


2014-2017 Research Engineer. CIML, CNRS, Marseille, France. Team “Tissular inflammation and immunity” led by Philippe Naquet, PU.

2009-2014 Research Technician B.S. CNIC Foundation, Madrid, Spain. Team “Imaging cardiovascular inflammation and the immune response” led by Andrés Hidalgo Alonso, Ph.D.

2006-2009 Research Engineer. CRN2M, CNRS, Marseille, France. Team “Molecular characterization of septate junctions in Drosophila” led by Catherine Faivre-Sarrailh, Ph.D.

2005-2006 Master in Environmental Biosciences. Agro-industrie Recherche et Développement (ARD) at the CEA in Cadarache, France. Team “Arabidopsis thaliana response to exopolysaccharides” led by Catherine Santaella, Ph.D.

2003-2004 Research assistant. BIP, CNRS, Marseille, France. Team “Study of Clostridium cellulolyticum” led by Pascale De Philip, Ph.D.

University of Aix-Marseille II, France.
2005 Professional Master. Field of study: Environmental Biosciences. Obtained with honors.
2004 Certificate in Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnologies.
2002 B.S. Field of study: Biochemistry and Immunology

RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS (peer-reviewed papers):
V. Sreeramkumar, JM. Adrover, I. Ballesteros, MI. Cuartero, J. Rossaint, I. Bilbao, M. Nácher, C. Pitaval, I. Radovanovic, Y. Fukui, RP. McEver, MD. Filippi, I. Lizasoain, J. Ruiz-Cabello, A. Zarbock, MA. Moro, A. Hidalgo. Neutrophils scan for activated platelets to initiate inflammation. Science. 2014 Dec 5;346(6214):1234-8.

V. Sreeramkumar, M. Leiva, A. Stadtmann, C. Pitaval, I. Ortega-Rodríguez, M. K. Wild, B. Lee, A. Zarbock and A. Hidalgo. Coordinated and unique functions of the E-Selectin Ligand ESL-1 during inflammatory and hematopoietic recruitment in mice. Blood, 2013 Dec 5; 122(24):3993-4001.

M. Casanova-Acebes, C. Pitaval, L.A. Weiss, C. Nombela-Arrieta, R. Chèvre, N. Alonso-González, Yu. Kunisaki, Da. Zhang, N. van Rooijen, L.E. Silberstein, C. Weber, T. Nagasawa, P.S. Frenette, A. Castrillo and A. Hidalgo. Rhythmic Modulation of the Hematopoietic Niche through Neutrophil Clearance. Cell 153, 1–11, May 23, 2013.

C. Bel, K. Oguievetskaia, C. Pitaval, L. Goutebroze, C. Faivre-Sarrailh. (2009). Axonal targeting of Caspr2 in hippocampal neurons via selective somatodendritic endocytosis. J. Cell Sci. 122(Pt 18):3403-13.